Community, Connection, & Healing For Moms

Group Coaching for moms who thrive within a community

Private coaching for moms who prefer an individual journey

Quit letting yourself fall to the bottom of your to-do list… It’s time to prioritize YOU, mama!

Realign, Rise Up, & Say YES to YOU!


Healing our moms heals our children, healing our children heals our communities, healing our communities heals our world


As a mom myself, I know the ups and downs and all arounds of mamahood. The love, the laughs, the joy, the fun, seeing life through a childhood lens once again, the magic, the innocence…

Beyond the joys of motherhood lies a realm often left unspoken, concealed behind closed doors. It encompasses thoughts and emotions that we hesitate to share with others, accompanied by physiological reactions. Striving to maintain control while holding everything together becomes an intricate dance.

As a mom to boys, I wholeheartedly embrace and adore this role. Is it demanding? Absolutely! Yet, over time, I have discovered a powerful approach that has guided me through the journey of motherhood. It commences with surrendering control. By fully surrendering, we detach from our minds and connect with our bodies. Within this space, we expand and embody inner freedom. We let go of what no longer serves us, while simultaneously nurturing our souls. In the midst of chaos, we find balance and cultivate inner stillness.

Through this process, we become capable of embracing unconditional love for ourselves and others. As we heal, our children also find healing, and the greatest gift we can offer them is freedom from carrying our past burdens into their future. Together, we can shed the backpacks of generational trauma, leaving them behind for good.

The key to attaining a sense of balance in a life brimming with obligations is maintaining connections. And what better way to nurture these connections than within a community of fellow moms, all navigating through similar experiences? It is within this space that connections with other mamas are forged, while simultaneously forming a new, radiant, and harmonious connection within ourselves.

And when that connection is felt... it's a moment of liberation, expansion, and pure joy.

Hi! I’m Caroline

I provide support and guidance to moms who are ready to embark on a profound exploration of the ups, downs, all-arounds, and complexities of motherhood. Together, we work through conditioned barriers that have kept you stuck for far too long, allowing them to heal and grow.

One of the aspects we focus on is understanding and working with triggers that arise in motherhood. It's no surprise that our children can serve as both our greatest triggers and teachers. There is a purpose behind this dynamic, and by delving into it, we reach the core of our internal and external connections. We integrate the hidden parts of ourselves and break free from intergenerational cycles and patterns.

Through this process, you will reconnect with your intuitive self and give birth to a newfound inner wisdom. By tapping into your own essence, you can step into a personal freedom that allows you to release what no longer serves you.

Within my coaching program, I have created a community of like-minded moms who can be authentic, vulnerable, open, and honest about the joys and challenges of motherhood. This is a non-judgmental and safe space where you can fully embrace your true self. Here, we normalize big emotions and transform mom-guilt, shame, and anger into forgiveness, strength, and love. It is a supportive environment where moms uplift and empower one another as each individual embarks on their healing, growth, transformation, and personal rise.

As mothers, we possess the power to break the cycle of disconnection from our true selves and soul's purpose in this lifetime. The time for a generational reset is now.

Let's normalize our experiences, express them, let go of what no longer serves us, practice forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, and love. Embrace healing and transformation.

For those who prefer an individual journey, I also offer personalized 1:1 coaching packages.

Embrace your inner strength. Embrace your freedom. Embrace your authentic self.


  • “Mama Mindset helped me to take a fresh look at the holidays, my family and my role in creating joy for myself. Caroline is a heart-centric facilitator with a vulnerable and kind spirit.”

    ~ D

  • "Caroline is a welcoming and nurturing person who knows how to really hold space for all the voices. I loved being in her circle and felt held and supported during my time there. If you are looking for an openhearted experience with other mamas, this is for you!"

    ~ L

  • "Caroline did a wonderful job brining mamas together and creating a welcoming and safe environment for authentic conversations. She was vulnerable and led by example."

    ~ E

  • "Caroline brings her authenticity and vulnerability to this group. It feels like a safe space to open up about struggles and triumphs and will help you learn new ways to examine your true inner self."

    ~ A

  • "I learned the value of carving time out for myself and being intentional about the thoughts and feelings I have around the holidays and parenting. "

    ~ D

  • "'It takes a village' is a common phrase when referring to parenthood and it is so completely true. Having a place to share struggles and successes is the key to sailing through the storms of parenthood. The Mama Mindset Group provided a safe and welcoming place for moms from varying backgrounds to talk opening and feel supported."

    ~ L

  • "My mindset has definitely changed! I’m making sure that time for myself is a priority. I feel like I’ve been more patient with my kids because I’m remembering the “why” for me.

    ~ M

  • "Easily the best decision I've made. Once I got over the guilt of taking time for myself, I never looked back. "

    ~ J

Current Groups For Moms


Join my Root & Rise facebook community full of Awesome Mamas just like YOU!!

Connect with other like-minded mamas for Community, Connection, Re-Aligning, Healing, and FUN as we find Roots of Stillness Among the Wildfire of Mamahood!

4 - Week Mama Mindset Bootcamp

"Master Your Mama Boundaries"

Experience more personal empowerment and inner freedom as you set solid boundaries from authenticity while letting go of guilt & shame.

Become a Mama Boundary BOSS!




  • Focusing on self love and setting boundaries to keep your energy protected sounds ahhmazing!

  • You’re ready to set boundaries out of LOVE and RESPECT and FEEL GOOD doing it!

  • You LOVE being a mom and wouldn't change it for anything, but sometimes following through after setting a boundary is more difficult than it is to actually set the boundary

  • Saying “NO” to spending time with extended family, in-laws, relatives, and/or friends is more stressful than it is to say “YES” and to please everyone else - even if it doesn’t feel good

  • You usually feel overwhelmed and exhausted when you don’t set boundaries and sometimes feel guilt and shame when you do set boundaries

  • Often times you feel the need to over-explain yourself when you do try and set a boundary, and at times end up giving in

  • You know you SHOULD say no, but more often than not you say yes, which then comes with feeling dread or resentment or even anger toward yourself for not staying aligned to your truth

  • Taking time out for self-care - whether it’s to relax, recharge, get a massage, hangout with a friend, or just have alone time - causes guilt

  • You want to show up for yourself, for your kids, and for your family more present and patient, more joyful and free

I see you. I hear you. I honor you and your transformational process as you root back into your stillness, and rise into your newfound freedom within. It’s time… say yes to YOU.

Root & Rise

Moms Empowering Moms

Join Me For 8 - Weeks Of TRANSFORMATION!


Hey moms ~ When you root so you can rise, you’ll break through barriers of self-doubt, overwhelm, and fear of not parenting ‘correctly’, as you shift into a new perspective that embodies freedom, confidence, and deep connection with the ones you love the most.

Within the Root & Rise mom community, create connection with other like-minded mamas as we collectively cultivate roots of stillness that hold firm during the wildfire of parental life. Connect to and revitalize your own inner light. Allow your soul to fully live its life purpose, its true calling. Step into YOU and re-discover who you are outside of “mom” as you continue to embrace the gift of motherhood.

Embody your inner joy, authenticity, confidence, and resonance. Feel the freedom, feel the empowerment of consciously knowing you are aligned with the life you chose and are meant to live.


Grow beyond your mom identity, tap into your purpose, and step into a new vision of mamahood that feels aligned with your unique energy and gifts


Release old patterns and break through conditioned barriers of self-doubt, overwhelm, mom-guilt, and fear of not parenting ‘correctly’


Move into self-love, forgiveness, and confidence as you shine and radiate your inner light - knowing deep within that you’re a kick-a** mama!!

Join me in Root & Rise and….

  • Share sacred space with other moms where you can honor whatever emotions are present — without judgement - and empower one another while having FUN doing it!

  • Cultivate roots of stillness that hold firm during the wildfire of parental life

  • Break intergenerational cycles and inherited relational patterns and create more connection in your family

  • Let go and leave behind all that no longer serves you. Embrace the freedom of truly being YOU!

  • Rediscover and reconnect with who you are - as you realign to your own authenticity, personal empowerment, & inner freedom

  • Shine your light BRIGHT! No more dimming to fit in!

  • Join an amazing group of women where connections are created, built upon, and honored, as each mama heals, grows, transforms, and rises up along the way

  • Give yourself permission to swim in the infinite flow of being seen and being heard (imagine being listened to without having to say something more than a million times!)

Private Coaching For Individual Journeys


3 - Month Breakthrough Package

You’re ready to release old patterns and break through conditioned barriers of self-doubt, overwhelm, mom-guilt, mom anger, and fear of not parenting ‘correctly’. As moms, we have the power to stop the cycle of being disconnected from our true self and soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

This 3-month breakthrough package will help you uncover what is stopping you from moving forward and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Plant the seeds of change, let them root, allow them to bloom into existence, as you release all that no longer serves you and allow in all you desire and deserve!

3 - Month Breakthrough Package


6 - Month Transformation Package

You desire to go deeper and grow beyond your mom identity, tap into your purpose, and step into a new vision of mamahood that feels aligned with your unique energy and gifts. Overcome inner resistance, break down built-up barriers, and connect to the light that radiates within your soul.

This 6-month transformational package goes deeper into personal work and self inquiry. You are fully supported as you rediscover and reconnect with who you are. Stop the cycle of being disconnected from your true self as you realign to your authenticity, personal empowerment, & inner freedom. It’s time to say yes to YOU!

6 - Month Transformation Package


Breathwork promotes deep self-healing and profound personal transformation

Increase your overall wellness, reduce stress and anxiety, release negative blocks that are keeping you stuck, and transform your mind-body connection through using your breath.

When we connect and use our breath in a conscious and intentional way, we are able to move through limitations, heal from the inside out, and shift back into wholeness. Breathwork allows us to open up endless possibilities on our personal transformational journey of self.

Book online for your 30-min

Mama Session”

Click below for a mini mama coaching session! Learn about your mom-shadow, uncover what is behind your mom identity, and lets talk about the best fit for your own personal coaching journey so you can move forward with more ease, alignment, freedom and grace.

Certified Master Jungian Life Coach

I am a Certified Master Jungian Life Coach and a member of the International Jungian Coaching Association.

Certified through Creative Mind University.

Certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator

Certified through Pause Breathwork

“If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down”

~ Toni Morrison