“the light in me
honors the light in you.”
:: namaste
Yoga Calm Groups
for Children & Teens
Yoga and counseling can be an effective combination when working with children and teens who may be struggling with anxiety, stress at home or at school, anger, ADHD, as well as other behavioral and emotional challenges.
I use Yoga Calm® with individual clients as well as in a group setting.
The Yoga Calm® curriculum developed by Jim & Lynea Gillen helps children and teens develop social/emotional awareness and skills, communication skills, self-confidence, trust, empathy, leadership, as well as fostering physical fitness and character development.
A sense of community is created within the group by engaging in yoga poses, fun group games, processes and activities.
Yoga Calm focuses on the five principles of
community, stillness, listening, strength, and grounding.
Activities focused on community provides opportunities to practice social and emotional skills. Learning these skills helps nurture the ability to give and receive support, develop communication skills, as well as other skills necessary to live cooperatively with others. Working together allows the opportunity to view the world from another lens.
Finding stillness within the mind and body allows the mind and body to become more self-aware. This helps develop self-control and self-regulation. Practicing stillness, and connecting to nature, allows one to create an inner peace which is helpful during difficult or stressful situations. Stillness also helps develop the ability to focus and learn.
By listening to messages the heart, mind, and body have to say, students learn how to identify and discriminate between different feelings. They develop self-understanding, self-regulation, and reduce self-destructive behavior. By slowing down and connecting to the voice within, helps guide oneself toward making healthier decisions.
Physical strength helps prevent injury and disease, and develops capability, confidence, and self-esteem. Mental strength is the use of positive self-talk, respecting boundaries, and monitoring the things taken into the mind and body. Emotional strength is the ability to feel, identify, and express feelings without harming oneself or others. With improved mental and physical control, courage is developed to express emotions and discipline is developed to process the feelings that arise.
Being aware in the present moment, connecting to the earth, and becoming physically present in the body develops a sense of safety, security, and control over one's environment. Becoming strong and grounded in the body and mind helps students learn that they can call on their bodies, the earth, and people they trust to support them in times of need. Grounding is a way to bring us back into the present moment and into our bodies when feeling out of balance.
How Do Programs Like Yoga Calm Help?
Research has shown :
Simple breathing and biofeedback techniques calm the nervous system
Yoga poses and sequences release physical and emotional energy
Social/emotional games and counseling tools develop trust, compassion, communication, teamwork and leadership skills
Relaxation techniques like storytelling, mental imagery and music calm the nervous system, and develop imagination
Lessons develop healthy life habits around food, exercise, electronic media and other life choices
Yoga Calm Groups
Yoga Calm Groups For Pre-Teen / Teen Girls
∞ Strong Heart, Mind & Body ∞
Imagine a world where our young girls are taught to celebrate and deeply cherish who they are. A world that protects them from messages from the media, and teaches them that self worth is not dependent on external standards.
This six to eight week program teaches girls to approach health in body, mind and heart from a place of self-respect.
Yoga Calm teaches deep self esteem, develops skills to navigate social and emotional pressures, and celebrates diversity and the inner spirit.
This is an ongoing program that rotates based on age group.