Simple Phrases Every Mama Needs To Hear (On Repeat)

As moms, we hear certain phrases from our kids on a daily basis, and they can quickly become part of our internal soundtrack. These are the phrases that echo through our homes:

  • MOM, Mmooommm, hey mom, hey, I NEED THIS!!!

  • MOM, where’s my _____ (insert name of latest toy here)?

  • MOM, he took my…

And then there’s the internal dialogue that follows:

  • UGH, WHAT?!

  • I don’t have time for this. When will I get five minutes to myself—uninterrupted?

  • Keep your cool, keep your cool... why are you so angry?

  • (Insert favorite four-letter expletive here)

Sound familiar? These repeated phrases from both the outside world and our inner voices can quickly become overwhelming. The language we hear and think—the things we tell ourselves—hold immense power. In fact, the stories we create in our minds have a direct impact on how we feel, how we show up in the world, and how we connect with our children and ourselves.

The Power of Your Internal Dialogue

Our internal dialogue, especially when it leans toward negativity or frustration, shapes our emotions and actions. The way we talk to ourselves in these stressful moments influences everything from our emotional state to how we react to our kids. When your thoughts become more about frustration and overwhelm, it’s easy to spiral into a cycle of stress.

But here’s the good news: you can shift that internal narrative. The first step is simply noticing when that negative inner voice begins to take over. Once you’re aware, you have the power to flip the script with a simple, positive phrase or affirmation.

Transforming Your Inner Script

What’s the secret to shifting your internal dialogue? A power phrase or two. These are words or statements that help you pause, reset, and bring yourself back to a grounded, more balanced place. These phrases aren’t about avoiding your feelings—they’re about shifting how you respond to those feelings, so you can move through the moment with more calm and clarity.

Here are a few phrases to try on for size:

  • I am doing the best I can, and that’s enough.

  • I’m allowed to take a moment for myself.

  • This too shall pass. I’ve got this.

  • I’m here for my kids, and I’m also here for me.

  • I am enough, just as I am in this moment.

These power phrases work like an anchor in a storm. They give you the space to breathe, pause, and respond with intention, instead of reacting from a place of stress or overwhelm.

Why It Matters

By intentionally using phrases that promote calmness and balance, you’re rewiring the way your brain reacts in moments of tension. When you practice this regularly, you’ll start to see your inner dialogue shift naturally—allowing you to feel more grounded and resilient as you navigate the challenges of motherhood.

Remember, the power of language—both internal and external—cannot be underestimated. The phrases you choose to repeat to yourself can become the foundation for a calmer, more centered you.

Mama-Mantras: Your Secret Weapon

The key to reframing your internal dialogue is the use of what I like to call mama-mantras. Mama mantras are powerful tools for helping mamas reshape their relationship with themselves and with their kids. Unfortunately, even the most amazing mama mantra won’t keep you from getting negative every now and then, but these simple phrases can help you reframe even the most stressful events.

Want a mama-mantra designed just for you? Take this short mama-mantra quiz to find out what your power phrase is, so you can switch up your internal dialogue to something more empowering and aligned.


💙 Caroline


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Caroline McGrath, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator

Certified Hypno-Breathwork and Hypnotherapy Facilitator

Certified Master Jungian Life Coach

Certified TRE® Provider

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